2 min read

How to: Limit Ancillary Fees

By Maureen DiLello on September 30, 2015 2:41 PM


How to Limit Ancillary Fees

Ancillary Fees. You know the term far too well.  It seems extra unexpected costs are associated with every trip you take. From baggage fees to hotel cancellation fees to city surcharges, the airline, hotel, and ground transportation industries are all making billions of dollars off these sometimes cleverly hidden fees. But as your Travel Management Company, we’re here to help you limit those pesky fees as much as possible!

Topics: airlines Advice Ancillary Fees Consulting Services corporate culture General Hotel How-To travel policy WTI
3 min read

Defining Your Company: Culture or Profit?

By Kevin Martin on September 9, 2015 11:45 AM

Opinion Piece by Kevin Martin, EVP of Business Development for World Travel, Inc.

Topics: corporate culture Opinion travel policy