
Meeting Technology

Maximizing the Attendee Experience


Download our case study to see how we helped 6,000 people register in just three weeks!


Let us guide you to creating a more meaningful event experience and maximize your attendee experience. Our Event Technology Team specializes in knowing the latest meeting technology offerings. They understand your program and provide solutions that not only fit your event requirements, but wow your attendees.

Event Registration

First impressions are everything, and registration, in our opinion, is where the attendee experience begins! Let our team of experienced event technology experts impress your attendees from the beginning. Utilizing state-of-the-art event apps, our team is able to produce captivating registrations sites for meetings of all sizes, from a small team meeting to your largest user conference. So, no matter the size or complexity of your events program, we will make sure you have all the tools you need for an amazing event, start to finish!


Event Registration

Mobile Apps

With every attendee wanting a unique experience, it is essential to have a robust mobile event app.  Our mobile apps deliver personalized agendas to each of your attendees and are hubs for information, notifications, and the power of face-to-face connections.  We can help you design apps to:

  • Highlight event maps and schedules
  • Provide real-time updates
  • Target messages to attendees
  • Reduce print costs
  • Encourage social engagement
  • and much more!


Mobile Apps

Let's Chat!

Our technology solutions can help transform your event.

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