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About WorldAnalytics

WorldAnalytics makes it easy to access extensive travel data by aggregating company information in a single secure location. Its state-of-the-art intelligence tools allow you to track your travelers' trends and pinpoint anomalies.

Easily Access Information

Find the information you're looking for quickly and easily with over 70 reports, dashboards, and infographics. The system provides a snapshot of your company’s traveler performance metrics, including advance purchase, benchmarking, total spend, preferred providers, and unused tickets.

Share Simply

Download reports in Excel or PDF formats or interact with statistics, stored in a company-specific data dictionary, in real-time. When you’re finished running a report, save it to enable sharing with coworkers or deliver it to an inbox of your choosing. WorldAnalytics also provides users with alerts through its notification center.  

Customize Your Data

Apply filters, subtotals, additional data points, and conditional formatting to personalize your data interface. WorldAnalytics runs on Business Objects 4.1 which is optimized on IE9 and above, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.


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