World Travel, Inc.

How to: Drive Online Adoption

Written by Maureen DiLello | September 2, 2015 3:47 PM

Increase Online Adoption.

When travelers book online, they can save time and money.

  1. Most travelers research flights online before picking up the phone to call an agent. If they’re already doing the online research, why not book their secure, policy-compliant trip, as well?
  2. Online booking fees are usually cheaper than agent booking fees. Travelers should know when to book through an agent, and when they can book online.


1. Set a goal for your company

Begin with a reasonable expectation. First, use the WorldReports™ Online Adoption report and/or dashboard to determine your current Online Adoption. Then, you can set a goal. Maybe you have a technology-friendly traveler base, and you want to aim high. Maybe your OBT is brand new, and you should plan for incremental increases.

If you mean business: Some clients modify company Travel Policy to mandate or incentivize online booking, particularly for simple domestic round-trip purchases and popular city pairs.

2. Identify the best way to educate travelers.

How does your traveler know they are supposed to use the Online Booking Tool? Do they know what type of trips they are to use them for? Determine the best way to educate your travelers on why it is beneficial to book online. Use a company newsletter or consider a direct email to all your travelers.


Ready to take action? Here's what to do.

  • Determine your Online Adoption Rate and a reasonable goal. Contact your Account Manager if you need help setting a good number.
  • Compose and send a staff-wide announcement regarding why to book online, and which trips to book online. Feel free to use our infographic!
  • Consider providing webinars and in-house training on the online booking tool. If you need assistance with these trainings, consult with your Account Manager.
  • Make it a team challenge to increase Online Adoption. When you work together as a team, everyone benefits.

For example: Treat the initiative like a team competition. Use company culture to increase awareness and drive online adoption when booking travel. Let’s work together to book 10% more trips online in Q4!

The Nitty Gritty:

World Travel, Inc. works closely with our Online Booking Tool partners to ensure that your OBT serves up logical, policy-compliant, preferred options for your travelers. The tools integrate with approval processes and client preferences to provide the best possible experience for both traveler and travel manager.